
The TSL25and TSL25are light-to-digital converters that transform light intensity to a digital signal output capable of direct I2C ( TSL25) or. The TSL25luminosity sensor is an advanced digital light sensor, ideal for use in a wide range of light situations. Compared to low cost CdS cells, this sensor . The TSL25is an inexpensive, yet sophisticate light sensor. Unlike simpler sensors, like photoresistors and photodiodes, the TSL25incorporates both . Connecting the Hardware ‎ Using the Arduino Library SparkFun Luminosity Sensor Breakout – TSL25- SEN-12055.

In cache Vergelijkbaar Vertaal deze pagina The TSL25SparkFun Luminosity Sensor Breakout is a sophisticated light sensor which has a flat response across most of the visible spectrum. Met behulp van een TSL25digitale helderheid/licht sensor kun je lichtsterkte meten, deze sensor kun je aansluiten via I2C op een . The TSL25is a light-to-digital converter that transforms light intensity to a digital signal output capable of direct I2C interface. The device combines one . TSL256 TSL25Datasheet. TSL2560-61_DS000110_2-00. Ambient Light Sensing (ALS) Developing a Custom Lux . This is an Arduino library for the TSL25digital luminosity (light) sensors.

Pick one up at http://www. Adafruit TSL25Light Sensor Driver #. This driver is for the Adafruit TSL25Breakout, and is based on Adafruit’s Unified Sensor Library .