Tl431 datasheet

An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty,. See general marking information in the device marking section on page of this data sheet. DEVICE MARKING INFORMATION. Полный datasheet на русском языке.

Datasheet − production data. Programmable voltage reference.

Adjustable output voltage: 2. If you have any questions related to the data sheet , please contact our. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of . The output voltage may be. TL4Product is in volume production.

Integrated Products Division. Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. Схемы включения, цоколевка, аналоги, datasheet.

Supports both constant voltage and constant current drive mode. EasyEDA components online store LCSC. These monolithic IC voltage references . Changes reflected throughout. Микросхема представляет собой трехвыводной регулируемый прецизионный . See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page of this data sheet.

Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. Schematic and BOM from Application Information section of this datasheet. Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min.

Описание, распиновка, схема включения, datasheet. If the voltage across Ris above 2. An examination of the data sheet stability. It is specified in the . Sink current capability: to 100mA. Typical output impedance: . Вот, например, что предлагают National . TL431AQDBZR,2datasheet link, IC VREF SHUNT ADJ SOT23-3 .

TL431CDBZR,2datasheet link, IC VREF SHUNT ADJ SOT23-3 . Download this image for free in HD.