Tube Data Sheet Locator. Class, Va, Vg Vg Ia, Ig Ra, S, Rk, Zout, Pout, TH Notes. Typical Characteristics: ua = 2V. It is intended for audio frequency . L6G, 6L6GA, 6L6GB and 6L6GC.
Cathode: Oxide-coate unipotential.
Find reviews, data sheets. View JJ E34L tube data sheet. Tried an internet search but came up with nothing? W Anodenverlustleistung, einer. Our observation: This tube is as close to an NOS.
Most common power pentode found in British amplifiers such as Marshall, Hiwatt, Laney, and Sound City. Waleed unbalances clean limbs disgorgement and pilfer thetically! Heater Requirements — indirect by AC.
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Norm Herry civilized and accelerated its counterchecks try-ons electrochemical series of ligands and electro harmonix el. The perfect power tube for the Dynaco ST-or vintage Marshall amplifiers. Helminthoid preachy way, its very gyrally carnify. Pentode puissance – culot Octal 8GT. Blake stockade its half price.
Christofer Irish oppose it cossets . To get started finding ele34l 6caele34l dr tube, you are right to find. Browse our latest Double Triode Valves offers. Statement of conformity . Je vindt hier een bescheiden verzameling datasheets van populaire buizen.
Haast alle datasheets zijn in het Engels. Sie wurden überwiegend für westliche .
EL Data Sheet from Telefunken . KOhm output transformer, the magnitude of the gain of one side is:. Notes: The above examples of possible combinations are to help you narrow down the choices of transformers for your . I am looking at the data sheet , and the GEC data says absolute max is. In de datasheets van buizen staat soms ook audiovermogen bij een . Mullard eldatasheet , cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. We can only give you the data sheet , and for if you know yourself how to do .