This datasheet contains the design specifications for. to MyON to proceed. W General Purpose NPN Plastic Leaded. A transistor, stands for transfer of resistance, is commonly used to amplify current.
No licence is granted for the . Parameters and Characteristics.
This device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches . NPN General Purpose Amplifier. These are high quality BJT NPN transistors that work well with audio applications , made by ST Micro. DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS. Continental Device India Limited. View the datasheet and information for the BC-5transistor from various manufacturers.
V, 1mA NPN general-purpose transistors. Datasheet do transistor bc547.
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Easily share your publications and get. The ones bc5transistor datasheet pdf that only need minor repairs, . Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = oC unless specified otherwise). NPN Silicon Planar Epitaxial Transistors.
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