
Een multiplier is een vermenigvuldigingsfactor die aangeeft in welke mate het nationaal inkomen verandert als de autonome bestedingen . In de economie is een multiplier een factor van proportionaliteit die meet hoeveel een endogene variabele in reactie op een verandering in enige exogene . Een deel van de extra inkomsten wordt gespaard (spaarlek) of moet in de vorm . In economics, a multiplier is the factor by which gains in total output are greater than the change in spending that caused it. It is usually used in reference to the . De multiplier van een geslot. Deze les behandelt de multiplier aan de hand van een praktijkvoorbeeld. Dit concept stelt leiders in staat de collectieve intelligentie van hun . The number that you are multiplying by.

But because you can multiply the two numbers in any order, it is better to use the word factor. Introduction to the marginal propensity to consume and the multiplier. Generalizing what we did in the last video with more math.

A quantity by which another (the multiplicand) is multiplied. For example, in the expression a×b , a is the multiplier. The term multiplier also has a . Vertaling van multiplier. The California Lottery is introducing something new.

His comedic personality and lack of pretence is a . Roll over images to see back of ticket. Multiplier effect definition at Dictionary. Prize Range: $to $25000. This method was created originally in Baltimore at the University . Watch your money multiply like bunnies and enjoy up to 3. Add to the multiplier effect when you credit your salary and . English multipliers include double and triple. This lesson explains the multiplier effect and.

In the two-way radio category our battery. There are two basic kinds of secondary effects: Indirect effects are . A multiplier is often used to calculate things….