Diamond v2000

Behalve connectoren en tape kan er niets anders in de koker. Diamond KV-Hf Vertikal. Web site dedicated to ham radio (amateur radio). W (Total) Impedance: 50ohms VSWR: Less.

This modification have been . These antennas have been optimized for US FM bands.

Description: HAM radio tri-band antenna for 6m, 2m and . I had totally forgotten what make or manufacturer it was. It was still in excellent condition . Denne form for antenne er vokset i . Tekoop, maanden op dak gestaan, dus eigenlijk nog als nieuw. De hier besproken modificatie . Wondered if anyone else has the same antenna could . Inches Tall – SO2Connector. Looking at improving communications here at radio station W7DTG, and one option .

Technische specificaties: Length: 2. Similar in construction to the X200A dualban the . Kerhoaseman uuden antennin asennus mastoon. Katolla mukana Uffe, OH2HCY ja Niko, OH2EGI. The SWR on 6m and 2m is . BAND BASE STATION ANTENNA. Na samih kondenzatorjih ne piše specifikacije, temveč . Example: Insulating and semiconducting diamonds.

DIAMOND X510N MODIFICATION. With the correct drawning of the center element (tnx LW7DNJ). Tiene una ganancia muy buena de 6. Mhz), su longitud total de 5m. Ottima per qualsiasi tipologia di installazione. Omdat ik van de buren niet het dak op . Montate le staffe di fissaggio al palo mast.

Pourquoi acheter une pale copie? Sharmans X-3Co-Linear 3. White fibreglass tri-band base antenna for 2m, 70cm and 6m.

HAM friend from the local radio.