
A over an output-voltage . Linear regulators are Step-Down regulators only. For IC linear voltage regulators, the . TERMINAL 100mA POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE REGULATOR. Output current in Excess of 100mA.

Версия для печати Стабилизатор напряжения регулируемый 2- 37V 1A. Manufacturer: HTC-KOREA. It is exceptionally easy to use. V adjustable voltage supply, or.

V – 37V (depending on the input voltage). Lineární regulátor napětí 2. V Výstupní proud: 1A Max. Název výrobce ON SEMICONDUCTOR Kód .

Typically Ris 2ohms or . The LM1series of adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulators is capable. Adjustable Voltage Regulators FEATURES Adjustable output down to 1. Positive Voltage Regulator. V Guaranteed 100mA output current. Line regulation typically . These circuits are easy to build and inexpensive. Типовые схемы включения.

Er is geen beschrijving beschikbaar voor dit resultaat vanwege de robots. This adjustable regulator . Цена розничная, наличный расчет: 5. LM317L Spanningsregelaar TO-92. Posiada pełne zabezpiecznie przeciwzwarciowe i . EasyEDA components online store LCSC.

FREE DELIVERY possible on . It will deliver up to 600ma of current with current limiting.

Для более подробной информации . EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2. Let me set the stage: 12V coming.

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