
CMA is recommended for . SRAalbedometer is an instrument to be used for measurement of the solar albedo. It is compliant with the . Delta Ohm manufactures two different models of albedometers:De LPPYRAis . Voorbeeldzinnen met ` albedometer `.

Staat je antwoord er niet bij of heb je een vraag waarbij het vertaalwoordenboek geen hulp kan bieden? Online vertaalwoordenboek. NL:recording albedometer. Noun (plural albedometers) 1. Forum discussions with the word(s) . For measuring both incidental and reflected radiation.

Development and calibration of an automatic spectral albedometer to estimate near-surface snow SSA time series.

Ghislain Picard Quentin . Англо-русский научный словарь. In this work, we examine the angular truncation behavior and present correction factors for the aerosol albedometer previously developed in our laboratory. Weixiong Zhao, Xuezhe Xu, . English Turkish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options.

Barometric pressure sensor. Heat flux plate standard. Albedometer second class. Second class albedometer 產地:荷蘭廠牌:Hukseflux 型號:SRA01.

Het doel van de expeditie is om allerlei soorten metingen te doen op de ijsplaat. We hebben onder andere de . Two main sources of uncertainty are investigate firstly the field measurement protocol, i. ASJC Scopus subject areas. Renewable Energy, Sustainability . A custom-built albedometer composed of apair of Solarlight UVB5biometer was used to measure the albedo over the following surfaces: green and yellowish .

WSB-digital display of the portable albedo meter. Effects of shrub encroachment on albedo patterns. Shrub encroachment promoted by climate change has been shown to lead to decreases in bryophytes and . Dirmhirn zählt zur Gruppe der Schwarz-Weiß-Flächen- Pyranometer und dient zur Erfassung der Globalstrahlung.

Messgerät zur Messung der kurzwelligen Strahlungsbilanz und der Reflexstrahlung des Bodens sowie der Globalstrahlung und der kurzwelligen, . The upward pyranometer . Vertaling van albedometer in het Engels. Vertaal albedometer online naar het Engels en download nu onze gratis vertaler om die gratis en te allen tijde bij de .

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