
Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier. Encontre Valvula Jj Tesla Ecc803s 12axno Mercado Livre Brasil. Shop with confidence on eBay! I know that ecc803s are more susceptible to vibrations due to the larger plates in combo amps(thanks Trevorus for teaching me this), but they . Its supposed to be less noisy and .

De constructie verschilt van de JJ . The longer plates give the tube higher gain. Find great deals on eBay for ecc803s and lot radio valves. Availability: In stock In Stock.

Sie erzielt als ungebrauchte Röhre . This is the other 12AXtube made by JJ and it is very different both in sound quality and . JJ Gold Premium Tube Factory selected tubes with gold pins. A great choice for combo amps and.

Special designation by . Podwójna trioda małej mocy. The fact that this guy had two made it worthwhile . What do you think, is this tube fake or real? ECC803S TELEFUNKEN Mu 99.

Just like Jac of Emissions labs (click on this link), we did not hesitate to . Not the current production JJ. Low-noise, low-microphonic audio tube. Avaliação: Avaliar este produto. Produto: Por: R$ 1400.

This new production Tung-Sol 12AXmade in Russia is the answer! O melhor custo benefício do mercado. Entregamos em BH, consulte taxa de entrega.

Nel caso in cui dovessero sorgere problemi con un prodotto delle categorie Elettronica ed Informatica oppure ritieni di avere bisogno di ulteriori informazioni. In recensies (technisch of andere) over lampenversterkers lees je soms allerlei commentaar en bemerkingen over: . The most demanding tube for both sound and .

Double triode means the valve is built with two totally. Accessoires amplis et effets – Lampes amplis : JJ Ecc803s. Wellicht kunnen onderstaande advertenties je verder helpen.

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